Family Law
The firm has a strong litigation background and undertakes a lot of advocacy work in the County Court.
The firm has a good working relationship with Various Civil Litigation Barristers within and outside Kent and can assist with instructing the right counsel who will assist with advocacy at any level of court hearing.
The firm Principal’s background from his previous jurisdiction as a Barrister and advocate in civil litigation and commercial practice is also an added advantage to assisting in ensuring that proper advocacy is in place to assist clients. Having being a litigator for Shepway Citizens Advice Bureau and Medway Citizens Advice Bureau between 2008 and now, he has established a good relationship with the courts within Kent having covered all the courts as a litigator and a duty advocate.
The firm has a legal team which undertakes thorough and detailed research into corporate and individual backgrounds, connections and other business activities, whether in consequence of a commercial dispute or fraud investigation or as a preparatory to a new business opportunity or joint venture.
Our business intelligence unit conducts effective research in the area of credentials and background verification as well as strategic business intelligence survey.
We provide legal advisory and contractual documentation to support our clients’ business needs and provide guidance in assisting them to achieve their goals.